
Cannabinoids are chemical compounds produced by cannabis flowers that interact with receptors in the brain and body, offering relief from symptoms such as pain, nausea, anxiety, and inflammation. While there are many cannabinoids that help with symptom relief, THC and CBD are the two most prominent and widely known.
When cannabis is ingested, cannabinoids connect to receptor sites located in the brain (CB-1 receptors) and throughout the body (CB-2 receptors). The effects of these cannabinoids vary based on the receptors they interact with. THC typically binds to CB1 receptors within the central nervous system, producing cerebral and behavioral effects like euphoria or a “high.” In contrast, CBD predominantly interacts with CB2 receptors found mainly in the peripheral nervous system and associated with the immune system. Activation of CB2 receptors can help relax the body, facilitate healing, and diminish pain without impacting mental clarity.