Our Patients


New Online Ordering Process – Leafly
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A Message to Our Patients, Caregivers and Customers
Last Updated: August 18, 2021

In an effort to adapt to the latest public health guidance, we have updated our COVID-19 policies inside our dispensaries, effective immediately.

Per the New York State Department of Health, all medical marijuana dispensary employees and/or patrons must wear masks and maintain six feet of social distancing regardless of vaccination status.

We encourage everyone to continue to protect themselves and others by doing things like practicing good hygiene, social distancing when possible, and staying home when sick. Our dispensaries continue to take precautionary measures, including but not limited to:

•            Sanitary barriers located at each check-out station.
•            Routine hand washing and hand sanitizing protocols for staff.
•            Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures.

Thank you for your continued trust in Be., we look forward to seeing you very soon

– The Be. Team

* Please see each store page for the pre-order and pick up hours, and to place your order. It is important to note that all orders must be picked up the same day that they are placed. If you are a new patient to Be. Please register online prior to placing your order. Our location pages can be found here Brooklyn, Hudson Valley, or Staten Island.

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